Friday, December 7, 2007

The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report: Cure Naturally Without Drugs

The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report is written by Craig Anderson, whose own father, a hypertension sufferer, died of a fatal heart attack at the age of 47 years old.

Many years later, Craig himself was shocked to be diagnosed with stage two hypertension with a blood pressure reading of 170/100.

Determined not to succumb to the deadly fate that had claimed the life of his dad as well as the lives of 50,000 Americans every year, Craig had a personal mission to regain control of his own health and his life.

Through the course of his investigation on the common pharmaceutical treatments, Craig found that the prescribed medications, not only can cost a lot, but can actually be more harmful than the high blood pressure disease itself.

In fact, prescribed medications do not address the root cause of the disease and are at best a bandage and a temporary fix to the symptoms of the disease.

Stunned by this discovery, Craig sought to find alternative natural ways that are cheaper, more effective and permanent to control his own blood pressure condition.

Craig then did extensive personal research on dry medical journals, made friends with off duty doctors, went to naturopaths, acupuncturists and “holistic healers,” read magazines, books and articles as well as personally tried various methods in a quest to find natural, affordable remedies that would really and truly work.

After months of research and efforts, Craig finally managed to reduce his blood pressure reading to 113/80.

This was achieved without drugs at a low cost (using products that you can buy from the grocery store) and without side effects; Craig was able to control his hypertension condition since then.

Buoyed by his personal success, Craig decided to write this report so that his ten-step natural remedy method can be shared with millions of people who suffer from hypertension.

According to Craig, The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report will show you how to normalize your blood pressure within 3 weeks.

You will find that some of the information in Craig's report to be real eye-openers such as his advice to take more chocolate, century-old secret herb that widens your blood vessels, common and powerful seasoning that improves blood circulation and more!

For more information on Craig's treatment method, please visit The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report Website